Target Audience
The target audience is for those who live in the towns, surrounding areas or those
coming to vist. They will be able to get current weather forecasts as well as predicted weather
forecasts. The demographic will be from the ages of 20-65 who can easliy reach the website to
look for the current weather updates and 5 day forescast so they can plan outdoor activities
and dress accordingly.
Can I find the weather forescast?
On the user can see the current weather and a 5 day forecast?
Can I find local events happening in town or the surrounding areas?
The great way to check current and upcoming events in town and surrounding areas is
our website. Where you can access all up to date events and any important town information
How do I know if there is not going to be severe weather so I can plan an event outdoors?
On you can check the weather and find out if there is severe weather in the forescast.
You can also access the storm tracker when there is severe weather. The site offers great ideas and tips
on how to prepare for bad weather and what to do if there is an emergency.
Can I look at weather images?
You can access the Gallery on that shows various pictures taken by our staff
and many submitted from website viewers. We try to have a variety of images and show the different weather
When will the sunrise and sunset?
On the weather webiste you can access information such as when the sunrises and sunsets.
Many of our residents in the towns are photographers and their ideal time for pictures are when
the sunrises and sunsets.